For people who like to make things


One of the features of Qur’an Memorizer, my first iOS app, is the ability to highlight a verse (ayah) when it’s tapped. To do this I access a database of verse x and y locations and retrieve the 4 coordinates I need to draw the resulting polygon.

The first version of the code released to the App Store looked a little bit like this:

- (AyahInfo *) clickedAyahForPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(int)page inMushaf:(int)mushaf {
    int y = (int)point.y;
    int x = (int)point.x;
    int ayahNum = 0;
    int x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p;

    char * c_vloc = 
        "SELECT ayahNumber, x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p                         "
        "FROM qmAyahInfo                                                     "
        "WHERE    mushaf=?                                                   "
        "     AND page=?                                                     "
        "     AND (                                                          "
        "           (y1p < y2p AND x1 < ? AND x2 <= ? AND y1 >= ? AND y2 > ?)"
        "           OR                                                       "
        "           (  (y1p >= y2p)                                          "
        "              AND                                                   "
        "              (  (y1 <= ? AND y1p < ? AND x1  > ?)                  "
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y2 > ? AND y2p <= ? AND x2 >= ?)                  " 
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y1p >= ? AND y2p > ?)                             "
        "              )                                                     "
        "           )                                                        "
        "         )                                                          ";

        sqlite3_stmt * stmt;
        int error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, c_vloc, -1, &stmt, NULL);
        if (error == SQLITE_OK) {

        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, mushaf);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, page);

        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 3, x);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 4, x);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 5, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 6, y);

        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 7, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 8, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 9, x);

        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 10, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 11, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 12, x);

        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 13, y);
        sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 14, y);

    else {
        // handle error

    if (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { 
        ayahNum = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
        x1 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 1);
        y1 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 2);
        y1p = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 3);
        x2 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 4);
        y2 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 5);
        y2p = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 6);

        AyahInfo * ayahInfo = [[AyahInfo alloc] initWithAyahNumber:ayahNum x1:x1 y1:y1 y1p:y1p x2:x2 y2:y2 y2p:y2p];  // client should release
        return ayahInfo;
    return nil;


Some time later I learned about FMDB, which is a wrapper around the sqlite3 C functions. This simplified my code by adding a layer of abstraction. It was better, but still more verbose than I would have liked, because the methods involved need NSNumbers instead of regular ints:

- (AyahInfo *) clickedAyahForPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(int)page inMushaf:(int)mushaf {
    NSString * sql =
       @"SELECT ayahNumber, x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p                         "
        "FROM qmAyahInfo                                                     "
        "WHERE    mushaf=?                                                   "
        "     AND page=?                                                     "
        "     AND (                                                          "
        "           (y1p < y2p AND x1 < ? AND x2 <= ? AND y1 >= ? AND y2 > ?)"
        "           OR                                                       "
        "           (  (y1p >= y2p)                                          "
        "              AND                                                   "
        "              (  (y1 <= ? AND y1p < ? AND x1  > ?)                  "
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y2 > ? AND y2p <= ? AND x2 >= ?)                  " 
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y1p >= ? AND y2p > ?)                             "
        "              )                                                     "
        "           )                                                        "
        "         )                                                          ";
    int y = (int)point.y;
    int x = (int)point.x;
    int ayahNum = 0;
    int x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p;

    FMResultSet * rs = [_db executeQuery:sql,
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: mushaf],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: page],

                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],

                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x],

                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x],

                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]

    if ([rs next]) {
        ayahNum = [rs intForColumnIndex:0];
        x1 = [rs intForColumnIndex:1];
        y1 = [rs intForColumnIndex:2];
        y1p = [rs intForColumnIndex:3];
        x2 = [rs intForColumnIndex:4];
        y2 = [rs intForColumnIndex:5];
        y2p = [rs intForColumnIndex:6];

        QMBVAyahInfo * ayahInfo = [[QMBVAyahInfo alloc] initWithAyahNumber:ayahNum x1:x1 y1:y1 y1p:y1p x2:x2 y2:y2 y2p:y2p];
        return ayahInfo;
    return nil;


Now, with the introduction of Objective C literals and Boxed Expressions, it looks like this. So much nicer. Moral of the story: Take the time to learn new technologies and constructs. They could help you simplify your code greatly.

- (AyahInfo *) clickedAyahForPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(int)page inMushaf:(int)mushaf {
    NSString * sql =
       @"SELECT ayahNumber, x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p                         "
        "FROM qmAyahInfo                                                     "
        "WHERE    mushaf=?                                                   "
        "     AND page=?                                                     "
        "     AND (                                                          "
        "           (y1p < y2p AND x1 < ? AND x2 <= ? AND y1 >= ? AND y2 > ?)"
        "           OR                                                       "
        "           (  (y1p >= y2p)                                          "
        "              AND                                                   "
        "              (  (y1 <= ? AND y1p < ? AND x1  > ?)                  "
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y2 > ? AND y2p <= ? AND x2 >= ?)                  " 
        "                 OR                                                 "
        "                 (y1p >= ? AND y2p > ?)                             "
        "              )                                                     "
        "           )                                                        "
        "         )                                                          ";
    int y = (int)point.y;
    int x = (int)point.x;
    int ayahNum = 0;
    int x1, y1, y1p, x2, y2, y2p;

    FMResultSet * rs = [_db executeQuery:sql, @(mushaf), @(page),
                        @(x), @(x), @(y), @(y),
                        @(y), @(y), @(x),
                        @(y), @(y), @(x),
                        @(y), @(y)

    if ([rs next]) {
        ayahNum = [rs intForColumnIndex:0];
        x1 = [rs intForColumnIndex:1];
        y1 = [rs intForColumnIndex:2];
        y1p = [rs intForColumnIndex:3];
        x2 = [rs intForColumnIndex:4];
        y2 = [rs intForColumnIndex:5];
        y2p = [rs intForColumnIndex:6];

        QMBVAyahInfo * ayahInfo = [[QMBVAyahInfo alloc] initWithAyahNumber:ayahNum x1:x1 y1:y1 y1p:y1p x2:x2 y2:y2 y2p:y2p];
        return ayahInfo;
    return nil;
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